Week 32


This is an amazing video.

It is a widely-held belief amongst broke, non-money-making college students that college, healthcare, apartments, and other life-essential things should be free and provided for by the government.

But where would the government get the money?


One thing I didn't know before watching this movie was that the mandatory income tax in the United States was instituted at the same time the Federal Reserve was created.

There was income before, but it was reserved for times of dire need, and it was temporary.

In 1909, a proposal to attach income tax to a tariff bill was introduced by progressives, and it became law in 1913 via a constitutional amendment - the 16th amendment. The tax was small - less than one percent of the population paid income taxes at a rate of 1% of their net income. But that was the beginning of the national debt scam.

Because income tax has been in place for so many generations, it's considered normal, and people do not question it. If a person does, they given labels like greedy and selfish because they do not care about those who are just struggling to get by who rely on government income and services.

The other way that we justify the income tax is that developed countries in Europe have very high income tax rates, and live very happy lives. So if America were to "catch up" to the "more advanced" European countries, we would be paying more taxes but be much happier and better off socially.

But you can tell that this is a strawman argument because money can't buy happiness. The other problem with thinking this way is that if you are increasing taxes in order to make more people dependent on a goverment program like education, you're doing society at large a disservice.

"But it's only temporary," they'll then say. "When they get back on their feet, then we'll stop and go back to normal."

The temporary thing in society has been going on for over 100 years now. And every time another "temporary" solution is put in place, things just get worse. People get comfortable having their life handed to them and stop nurturing the drive inside of them to live great, fulfilling lives and pass on better ones to their children.

The things that people my age are the greatest ideas now - universal basic income, universal healthcare, free higher education - are all going to bring us closer to the point where most of the population is unable to provide for themselves. At that point, the country is over.

At some point you have to cut the ambillical cord of sugar daddy government and let a correction take it's course. The longer you wait, the more difficult it is. The more "temporary solutions" that are put in place, the angrier people will be that you lied to them for so long.

You can get ahead of that anger by waking up on your own, instead of waiting for the violent shaking to occur.

What the narrator said at the end of the video caught my attention and got me thinking. If we are to get ourselves out of the national debt scam, we'd have to back something backing our currency other than gold, because it seems like the bankers have stolen all of it. What would that be? Could it be a use case for Bitcoin?

The title of this next video should really read "How Should Everyone Respond to Angry People?" But II understand that a lot of YouTubers create click-baity titles to draw people in. You gotta say something outrageous to surprise people, then hit them with logic and reasoning that makes them go, "Hmm, that makes sense."

Unless they're angry, then they'll just argue with you until world's end.

If you understand what Jesse is saying, you'll understand exactly what this guy is saying in this video, including the part that girls are just like phones:

This man really wants the world to reject the notion that pedophilia is a normal sexual preference that you are born with and cannot change.

Sounds like he needs to come out of the child's closet.


The most massive perfect storm is bearing down on us. This perfect storm is mounting an increasingly grim reality and we are facing that reality with a full belief that we can solve our problems with technology.

I've definitely fallen into that belief, sometimes all too strictly. For example, I've often believed that my procrastination problem would be solved by installing a produtivity app. That I realized to be totally incorrect and stupid.

This perfect storm that we are facing is the result of our rising population, land that is turning to desert, and of course, climate change. There's no question about it at all, we will only solve the problem of replacing fossil fuels with technology.

But fossil fuels are by no means the only things that are causing climate change.

I've always wondered why there is so much emphasis on doing a million little things to fight global warming (unplug your charger, shower less, get fake grass, recycle paper, drive slower) and why it all seems to fall on the people to fix it.

Sure it's going to save money, but how is it going to be anything but a tiny drop in the bucket of overall pollution? How is the act of one person unplugging their phone charger going to do anything other than waste several hours of that person's life?

"Uh, well uh, if everyone does it, the collective action will have an impact"

If you want to waste your energy (lol) trying to get people to waste their time unplugging chargers for the rest of their life, go ahead. But for every gullible person you convince, you'll piss off three who will plug in all of their chargers just to spite you.

Better find another passion.

But what if I told you there was one thing that you could do that would bring us back to pre-inustrial levels of CO2 in the atmosphere without changing anything else? What if I told you that you don't even need any advanced technology to do it? And it would also help livestock around the world?

Best of all, you won't have to unplug your fucking charger all the time.

Here it is:

Did you know?

The Clintons' favorite word is conspiracy.


Have you ever made a to-do list only to not do most of the tasks on it? How about having a super productive day and completing everything?

For me, it's yes, to both questions.

If I don't do most of the tasks, I feel bad.

If I complete them all, I feel great. Momentarily.

In both scenarios, after letting some time go by, there's no difference in my life. It's almost like the number of tasks I get done don't matter at all.

And that's because they don't.

Planning to do a bunch of tasks without knowing the result you're after and why you're after it will give you a list of tasks to complete that, at the end of the day, don't matter at all.


Because there is no purpose behind the tasks.

With no purpose behind the tasks, it's just busywork. There's nothing driving you to get those things done because, frankly, you don't know what you want and why you want it. The second you run into difficulty, it's easy to just forget about the task and keep living.

Try RPM.

Start with the result you want; whats your desired outcome?

Then dig out the purpose by asking yourself "why?" until the answer repeats itself. This is the thing that's going to keep you going when the going gets tough.

If the purpose isn't good enough, you should reconsider the result.

After that, you can build your beloved task list, your MAP. These are the action items you believe will lead you to the result.

A fun thing you can do at this point is to see how many action items you can skip while still achieving the result.

Tony Robbins explains:

Thanks to my good friend for introducing RPM to me and showing me this video over dinner. Much appreciated!

This is what happens when you have a nation of employees without FU Money.