I moved into my room two weeks ago without much furniture. Since then, I've been sitting on various things that are not chairs.
I started with a sleeping bag on the floor, which doubled as chair for my desk:
Then I picked up my table that I got in college, enabling this setup:
I was also able to set up a standing desk using a few of the tools I had used to transport items:
Aside from minor back pain and my legs falling asleep after sitting on the floor for no more than 15 minutes, these setups worked pretty. Nonetheless, I decided that since I'm growing up it would make a lot of sense to get an actual chair to sit on.
Don't get me wrong, I have sat in chairs before — IKEA chairs, wooden chairs, generic looking swivel chairs, thousand dollar office chairs — but none of them had impressed me so much as to bring them with me to my apartment. I wanted to try something new, and get a nice chair for my room and by butt.
After living without chair for the past two weeks, any chair would be an upgrade. Still, I'm not in any hurry to make a buying decision. Before dropping $500 or so on a chair, I wanted to know that I wouldn't regret my decision, and be aware of the chair's negatives.
Getting started, I found out pretty quickly that if you search for 'office chair reviews' you get some crappy how-to videos like this that don't help at all.
(Don't watch the whole video... unless you want to waste the precious time)
As if showing you how to use the features on different chairs constitutes a Top 10 chairs video.
And then I look for gaming chairs and get this instead:
What a difference.
Chairs listed in this video:
If you want to save money, Brainbean suggests to get the OPseat Master Series because general comfort is "not bad", although he would go with the Tesoro Zone Balance.
If you want to save less money, go with the Secretlab chair over the Noblechairs chair because it takes less time to break in, and you'll get comfortable in it quicker.
Overall, Secretlab's Omega 2018 is the best chair that he's used this year.
Here are some things to consider before buying a gaming chair:
So as you can see, the raaaabbit hole goes deep with chairs as well, so this post has potential to be quite long.
The seven things to think about are:
Basically, you'll only know whether the chair is right for you after having sat in it for a while.
Next we have a babe telling us how to set up an ergonomic workstation:
It did not have much to do with the chair, but it was helpful to know approximately where things should be in relation to other things.
The three things you should consider with the chair:
Another video of a guy telling us all the things (five things, two of which we already know) we are doing wrong sitting at our desks was equally helpful, because knowing what not to do is just as helpful as knowing what to do. Often, you need to know both to be able to do something properly.
Here's what David says to not do:
The problem with racing/gaming chairs:
Well, I gotta say, I do really like how cool gaming chairs look, and so far have been basing my desire to buy one based on the look. It's not like I have gone out and sat on a bunch of (any) chairs to get a feel for them.
The generalized problems:
This video wasn't enough to change my mind about getting a cool looking gaming chair. I rarely sit cross legged, and the lack of adjustment issue seems overcome by the more elite gaming chairs, such as this chair from Clutch Chairz:
Some insights from this review:
Was this video supposed to convince me to buy a Clutch Chairz? If Clutch Chairz are really good, this guy kinda did a disservice to them because he didn't explain why they were good, why I should get one, or what some of the cons are. Spinning around in the chair saying "Ooooohhhh" is not very convincing.
Man, I should get into making chair reviews. This shitty review video has nearly 10,000 views.
Here's a better one, just to be fair to Clutch Chairz:
The chair that has caught my attention enough to investigate further is Secretlab's Titan chair, and it's probably because BrainBean spoke so highly of it in his review of eight different chairs that we saw near the top of this post.
He was talking about the Secretlab's Omega series, but at 6'1" and 150 lbs, Secretlab would recommend the Titan for me.
One would think that two chairs from the same company would be of similar build quality and comfort, so we could say that BrainBean was just as well talking about the Titan in his video.
YouTube is amazing! I found a comparison video between the Omega and Titan
Main differences:
A super helpful video, and exactly what I was looking for.
Here's that same guy unboxing the Titan:
Then he sat in it for a week, 7-8 hours a day, and did this review. You can tell because he is wearing different clothes.
What I appreciate about his review is that he tells you upfront about the chair he was sitting in before so that you can adjust your expectations accordingly. If he had been sitting in a crappy chair, the feeling of sitting in a $400 chair would have been overwhelmingly positive and the review would reflect that. On the other hand, if he was coming from a TOTL (top-of-the-line) chair, this one would not be as great.
The chair that he was sitting in prior to the Titan was this one. Comparatively, the Titan is a much better sitting experience.
Things that he likes about the Titan:
Things that he doesn't like:
Since a week isn't a very long time to have been sitting in a chair, and I plan on sitting in the chair I get for a much longer time, I wanted to see if I could find someone who has done a review after a longer period of time.
I found Crue Steele who's been sitting in the chair for over a year. He meant to do a one-week review, but got busy. I think the one-year review is just fine.
Highlights from the video:
I guess that means you'll be seeing desk research and monitor research posts from me soon.
Well, it looks like this is the right chair for me. LWS is all about observing what most people are doing, doing my own research and testing, then explaining why you don't need it, like I did with fluoride toothpaste.
Another review from Goshuki who's been sitting in it for six months, who says it's the best chair that he's ever put his butt in:
Best chair he's ever used, but there are some downsides that he found with it:
That's it actually.
Here's another review! They just keep coming and coming and coming and coming...
I like this guy's style:
Once again, this chair is a big improvement over the chair that iPhonedo had been sitting in before.
A super nice thing, and this is sort of a a tell-tale sign that Secretlab really puts a lot of thought into their chairs is that the armrests don't go up when you lean back, meaning that they won't hit the underside of the table.
Even the $1200 chair I use at work has this problem. It bugs the hell out of me that I'm restricted from reclining when sitting close to my desk because the armrests interface with the table. So for a $400 gaming chair - that everyone so far has said is one of the most comfortable chairs they have sat in - to have this feature is really quite impressive.
Hm, but wait a minute. iPhonedo says that Secretlab doesn't This entire time I was thinking I was doing research into a gaming chair, but it turns out that Secretlab doesn't call their products gaming chairs. So I guess I've just been researching ...
a regular chair
The number of positive reviews for this chair are over nine thousand. I wonder, can I find anyone saying that you shouldn't get it because it sucks, it's uncomfortable, or any other reasons?
At this point, after having already spent several hours on research and found a chair that I know I'll be content with (it's going to be better than the no chair I have now), I would have just ordered it.
But, since this is LWS, we want to be skeptical when the top reviews overwhelmingly positively recommend something, and look further.
A conflicting viewpoint is a friend, not something to run away from.
Nope, not there.
Maybe here:
OK, I gotta confess that I didn't really click on that video to see a chair review. There were other things that drew me in. Unfortunately, the video was blurred for the main chunk of the action.
This next result confused me for about three seconds because it's not a review on the Secretlab titan, even though I was specifically searching for 'secretlab titan'. Paid search results hijacking at work maybe?
I had to watch the video a couple of times to distinguish the jokes from the actual messaging.
So this is obviously not a review for the Titan, but since it popped up, I'll take a look at it in a section below.
This one is quite long. Useful indicator that assembly by one person takes about 20 minutes. The review starts after he flips it.
Mostly positive review with some criticisms.
Oh baby, on the money with this one. YOLO Boy's got some really negative things to say about the Titan.
It sounds like he got the chair that was too big. Looking at the Omega-Titan comparison screenshot above, YOLO Boy probably should have gotten the Omega because he's within the suggested height range for it, but just within the low range of the Titan.
I wonder if this is the one negative customer service experience that Crue Steele was talking about
This chair is a want, not a need. It's not about comfort, but looking good in your room. You should only get it if you want a cool-looking chair and have the extra money to spend on it, but don't expect it to be as great as everyone says it is.
YOLO Boy has another video on the chair that he published before he sat on it for weeks:
Same issue that he brought up later with the lumbar support: it's not good enough. He suggests that you get the lumbar pillow that the Omega comes with if you order the Titan. A good idea if I find that the lumbar support isn't good enough.
One thing that I'll note here, which has nothing to do with his ability to objectively review the chair, is that he did not assemble the chair himself. Two people did it for him.
All of the other reviewers so who have given BUY ratings have assembled the chair themselves. YOLO Boy, who did not self-assemble, is the only one who's given a DON'T BUY rating. There's something for a PhD to investigate here:
Does putting in work to build your chair make you more likely to give it a positive review?
I'm just glad I found a negative review.
Man, this guy is sooOooOo excited, like he got a chair for Christmas. You can tell by how he's hugging the chair in the video thumbnail.
Yup, right there with you buddy.
Not really a review, but the view is nice.
Quite a few of these around. Not sure what the use is, but they often do have over ten thousand reviews.
Holy sweet and tender Baby Jesus. There's a whole playlist about this chair, with 50 videos.
It seems like this chair is gaining something like a cult following, and everyone's in it.
Except YOLO Boy. He's not happy with it.
All right. I'm getting a bit fatigued doing so much research into the Titan, so I'm gonna wrap it up with two final reviews.
Kludgy Player did a reveiew between the Titan and the Noblechairs Epic (which we saw Brainbean showcasing above as well). Guess which chair was the winner?
At this point, me neither.
I really liked the all black design that Secretlab has listed as a new color on their site, but I didn't find any reviews or closeup shots of it. This last video gives us just that.
We also got a glimpse into how the customer service works. It does, just as it should.
Sorry, I lied. There's one more important thing that needs to be considered.
Well, that just about answers all remaining questions I had.
I checked in on the reviews on their website. Check this out:
Whoa, two one-star reviews? Can't be good...
Surely, you can't be serious.
Ok, I feel like I've gotten a really good feel for the Secretlab Titan chair, but I feel like my narrow focus of looking for Titan reviews is limiting my exposure to other chairs that may be better. The Titan/Omega has come out on top in the comparison videos that I've seen (two of them above), except for in one review comparing it to the DXRacer, so at this point I'd say it's safe to say that it's a great chair.
But why not look at a few others?
This is a chair that came up high up in the search results for 'secretlab titan' so I decided to give it a deeper look.
Bitwit gave it a good review and a BUY rating if you can afford the investment. But let's see what others have to say.
SixteenThirtyTwo's review came up second, right after Bitwit's when searching 'Maxnomic classic':
Overall, he gave the chair his recommended rating, but did bring up a few points worth noting.
He bought the chair with his own money so you know it's legit.
I wonder if he knows about the Titan series chair from Secretlab. It would actually solve most of his pain points with the chair, and it's less expensive.
Now we have an unboxing and review from SLAPTrain while he's playing Forza 5.
He's very impressed with the company and here's why:
My first impression of this review is that this was not an honest review. Who bases the quality of a chair on the quality of the instruction manual and receipt paper?
This guy's comment sums up my sentiments exactly:
This is looking like it's going to be a short deep dive.
This is the third video result. Not exactly what you'd want if you were NEEDforSEAT.
It's especially bad when cac2244 starts the video saying that he's an average guy, not a pro YouTuber, bought the chair with his own money, and wanted to make a review to "help people make the best possible technology-buying decisions with their hard earned money".
Read between the lines there. What is he really doing?
He made the decision to buy the chair after having watched several positive videos about the chair (Bitwit? SLAPTrain?). He did not find many negative reviews.
Main points:
Isn't it interesting that SLAPTrain talked about this as a feature?
Great customer. He gives recommendations for each of the problems he encountered. I hope NEEDforSEAT reviews his video.
Ruh Roh.
Well, at least I didn't have to go digging for negative reviews like I did for the Titan.
Seems like people who pay for the chair don't like it as much as people who got it for free.
I think I'm done with this chair.